Uputstva za korisnike PHILIPS 229CL2SB
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PHILIPS 229CL2SB (2369 ko)
Приручник резиме: uputstvo za korisnika PHILIPS 229CL2SB
Detaljna uputstva su u uputstvu za upotrebu.
[. . . ] 229CL2
www. philips. com/welcome SR Uputstvozakorisenje 1 Brigaomusterijama&Garancija 32 Resavanjeproblemainajcese postavljanapitanja(FAQ) 43
1. Vazno. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1. 1 Sigurnosnemerepredostroznostii odrzavanje. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1. 2 Opisoznakaupozorenja. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1. 3 Odbacivanjeproizvonjaimaterjalaza pakovanje. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2. Podesavanjemonitora . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2. 1 Instalacija. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 . 2. 2 Radsamonitorom. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 .
3. [. . . ] FederalCommunicationsCommission(FCC) Notice(U. S. Only) Thisequipmenthasbeentestedandfound tocomplywiththelimitsforaClassB digitaldevice, pursuanttoPart15ofthe FCCRules. Theselimitsaredesignedto providereasonableprotectionagainst harmfulinterferenceinaresidential installation. Thisequipmentgenerates, uses andcanradiateradiofrequencyenergy and, ifnotinstalledandusedinaccordance withtheinstructions, maycauseharmful interferencetoradiocommunications. However, thereisnoguaranteethat interferencewillnotoccurinaparticular installation. Ifthisequipmentdoescause harmfulinterferencetoradioortelevision reception, whichcanbedeterminedby turningtheequipmentoffandon, the userisencouragedtotrytocorrect theinterferencebyoneormoreofthe followingmeasures: Reorientorrelocatethereceivingantenna. Increasetheseparationbetweenthe equipmentandreceiver.
ThisdevicecomplieswithPart15oftheFCC Rules. Operationissubjecttothefollowingtwo conditions:(1)thisdevicemaynotcauseharmful interference, and(2)thisdevicemustacceptany interferencereceived, includinginterferencethat maycauseundesiredoperation.
CommissionFederaledelaCommunication (FCCDeclaration) Cetquipementattestetdclar conformeauxlimitesdesappareils numriquesdeclassB, auxtermesde l'article15DesrglesdelaFCC. Ces limitessontconuesdefaonfourir uneprotectionraisonnablecontreles interfrencesnuisiblesdanslecadred'une installationrsidentielle. CETappareilproduit, utiliseetpeut mettredeshyperfrquencesqui, si l'appareiln'estpasinstalletutilisselon lesconsignesdonnes, peuventcauserdes interfrencesnuisiblesauxcommunications radio. Cependant, riennepeutgarantirl'absence d'interfrencesdanslecadred'une installationparticulire. Sicetappareilest lacaused'interfrencesnuisiblespour larceptiondessignauxderadiooude tlvision, cequipeuttredcelen fermantl'quipement, puisenleremettant enfonction, l'utilisateurpourraitessayerde corrigerlasituationenprenantlesmesures suivantes: Rorienteroudplacerl'antennede rception. Augmenterladistanceentrel'quipement etlercepteur. Brancherl'quipementsurunautrecircuit queceluiutilisparlercepteur. Demanderl'aidedumarchandoud'un technicienchevronnenradio/tlvision. Toutesmodificationsn'ayantpasreu l'approbationdesservicescomptents enmatiredeconformitestsusceptible d'interdirel'utilisateurl'usageduprsent quipement. N'utiliserquedescblesRFarmspour lesconnectionsavecdesordinateursou priphriques. CETAPPAREILNUMERIQUEDELACLASSE BRESPECTETOUTESLESEXIGENCESDU REGLEMENTSURLEMATERIELBROUILLEUR DUCANADA. 29
)PolishCenterforTestingandCertification Notice Theequipmentshoulddrawpowerfroma socketwithanattachedprotectioncircuit(a three-prongsocket). Allequipmentthatworks together(computer, monitor, printer, andsoon) shouldhavethesamepowersupplysource. Thephasingconductoroftheroom'selectrical installationshouldhaveareserveshort-circuit protectiondeviceintheformofafusewitha nominalvaluenolargerthan16amperes(A). Tocompletelyswitchofftheequipment, the powersupplycablemustberemovedfromthe powersupplysocket, whichshouldbelocated neartheequipmentandeasilyaccessible. Aprotectionmark"B"confirmsthatthe equipmentisincompliancewiththeprotection usagerequirementsofstandardsPN-93/T-42107 andPN-89/E-06251.
NorthEurope(NordicCountries)Information Placering/Ventilation VARNING: FRSKRADIGOMATTHUVUDBRYTARE OCHUTTAGRLTTKOMLIGA, NRDU STLLERDINUTRUSTNINGPPLATS. Placering/Ventilation ADVARSEL: SRGVEDPLACERINGENFOR, AT NETLEDNINGENSSTIKOGSTIKKONTAKTER NEMTTILGNGELIGE. Paikka/Ilmankierto VAROITUS: SIJOITALAITESITEN, ETTVERKKOJOHTO VOIDAANTARVITTAESSAHELPOSTI IRROTTAAPISTORASIASTA. Plassering/Ventilasjon ADVARSEL: NRDETTEUTSTYRETPLASSERES, M DUPASSEPATKONTAKTENEFOR STMTILFRSELERLETTEN. beiErsatzderBildrhrenureine bauartgleicheeingebautwird. AusergonomischenGrndenwirdempfohlen, die Gr undfarben Blau und Rot nicht auf dunklemUntergrundzuverwenden(schlechte LesbarkeitunderhhteAugenbelastungbeizu geringemZeichenkontrastwrendieFolge). Der arbeitsplatzbezogene Schalldruckpegel nach DIN 45 635 betrgt 70dB (A) oder weniger. ACHTUNG:BEIMAUFSTELLEN DIESESGERTESDARAUF ACHTEN, DANETZSTECKERUND NETZKABELANSCHLULEICHT ZUGNGLICHSIND. [. . . ] P7: Kakobitrebalodacistimpovrsinu LCD-a?Res. : Zanormalnocisenje, koristitecistu, mekanutkaninu. Zadubinskociscenje, koristiteizopropilalkohol. Nekoristite drugerastvarace, kaostosuetilalkohol, etanol, aceton, heksan, itd. P8: Mogulidapromenimbojupodesavanja mogmonitora?Res. : Da, mozetepromenitisvojepodesavanje bojaputemkontrolamenijanaekranu, nasledeinacin, Pritisnite"OK"dabisteprikazali meninaekranu(OSD). [. . . ]
USLOVI ZA PREUZIMANJE PHILIPS 229CL2SB UPUTSTVA ZA UPOTREBU Lastmanuals nudi servis deljenja, čuvanja i pretrage uputstava na osnovu korišćenja hardvera i softvera: uputstvo za upotrebu, uputstvo za korisnika, brzo uputstvo, tehničke podatke... Lastmanuals ni u kom slučaju nije odgovoran ako dokument koji tražite nije raspoloživ, potpun, na drugom je jeziku od vašeg ili ako model ili jezik se ne poklapaju sa opisom. Lastmanuals ne nudi prevod. Klikni na "Preuzmi ovo uputstvo" na kraju ovog Ugovora, ako prihvataš uslove i preuzimanje PHILIPS 229CL2SB uputstva će početi.