Lastmanuals nudi servis deljenja, čuvanja i pretrage uputstava na osnovu korišćenja hardvera i softvera: uputstvo za upotrebu, uputstvo za korisnika, brzo uputstvo, tehničke podatke... NE ZABORAVITE:UVEK PROČITAJTE UPUTSTVO ZA UPOTREBU PRE KUPOVINE!!!
Ako se ovaj dokument poklapa sa uputstvom za upotrebu, instrukcionim uputstvom ili uputstvom za korisnika, karakteristikama za podešavanje, šemama koje tražite, preuzmite sada. Lastmanuals obezbeđuje brzo i lako pristupanje uputstvu SAMSUNG PS50B530 Nadamo se da će vam ovo uputstvo za upotrebu za SAMSUNG PS50B530 biti korisno.
Lastmanuals vam pomaže da preuzmete SAMSUNG PS50B530 uputstvo za upotrebu.
Приручник резиме: uputstvo za korisnika SAMSUNG PS50B530
Detaljna uputstva su u uputstvu za upotrebu.
[. . . ] Ilustracije e Favourite list you want to korisene u ovom prirucniku su za model The illustrations used in this manual navedeno. PS50B530 sem ako drugacije nijeare of the PS50B530 unless otherwise stated. Informacije o zastitnom znaku
ide (EPG) *je registrovani zastitni znak DVB Project. · ·· HDMI, is a registered trademark of the DVB Project. [. . . ] m / M operate the connected reverses/fast by the TV remote. 2 Press F/f to select the channel, then press . Fast USB device forwards the file lists. when Turn off the Favourite list Press RETURN. 2 Press F/f to select the channel, then press . Stavka Opis Item Description
Using of your Digital Favourite list lists the favourite programmes.
000 Favourites 1
001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009
Enter Programme Number: Digital
010 More 4 Digital 000 011 abc1 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 QVC
Favourites 1
UKTV Bright Ideas ftn
Enter Programme Number:
013 Sky UKTV UKTV Gold 008 015 Sports Bright Ideas 015 017 TMF UKTV Bright Ideas
Favourites 1 001 BBC ONE 002 BBC TWO 001 BBC ONE 003 ITV1 002 BBC TWO 004 Channel 4 003 ITV1 005 Five 004 Channel 4 006 BBC Three 005 Five 007 ITV2 006 BBC Three 008 Sky Sports 007 ITV2 009 UKTV History 008 Sky Sports
009 UKTV History
010 ITV1 Enter Programme More 4 Number: 000 011 abc1 Channel 4 010 More 4 012 QVC Five 011 abc1 013 UKTV Gold BBC Three 012 QVC 014 The HITS ITV2 013 UKTV Gold 015 UKTV Bright Ideas Sky Sports 014 The HITS 016 ftn UKTV History 015 UKTV Bright Ideas 017 TMF 016 ftn 018 E4 017 TMF 018 E4
UKTV Bright Ideas ftn
Using Menu Functions Using Menu Functions Using Menu Functions
. /> Item m m/M N /M N xN X X x x
Description TurnGoes toFavourite list of the previous/ nextRETURN. Turn off the Favouritedatoteke unazad/unapred kad se pritisne tokom reprodukcije. Fast reverses/fast forwards the file when pressed during playback. reverses/fast file when pressed Brzo premotavanje list forwards thePress RETURN. Goes prethodne/sledee the previous/ next file. Goes to the beginning of the previous/ next file. "2×" or "4×") "Zoom": Magnifies the picture ("1×", "2×" "Zoom": Magnifies the picture ("1×", "Shuffle": Plays files in ("1×", "2×" ili "4×") or "4×") Muzika Music "Speakers": Selects a speaker (page 23). Music "Playback Target": Bira reprodukciju svih datoteka iliselected file. "Playback Target": Selects to play all files, or one selected file. "Playback Target": Selects to play all files, or one jedne odabrane datoteke. Video "Shuffle": Target": Selects to playorder. "Shuffle": Plays files datoteka nasumicnim one selected "Shuffle": Plays files in random all files, orredosledom. "PlaybackReprodukcijain random order. "Speakers": Odabir zvucnika (str. (page 23). "4×" or "Full") "Speakers": Selects a speaker (page "2×", "Speakers": Selects a picture 23). "Zoom"*: Magnifies thespeaker ("1×", 23). Video Video "Speakers": Selects a speaker (page 23). [. . . ] · Adjust "AFT"GB the TV. (Automatic Sound · Digital channels are not displayed Press 2 +/ or % (Mute). picture reception Double images or ghosting and noise appear on the screen Only snow · Check if the "Speakers" is set to "TV Speake
TV prijemnik se automatski iskljucuje (TV The TV turns off automatically (the TV enters prijemnik se iskljucuje u pripravno stanje) standby da li je · Proverite mode) aktivirana opcija "Sleep Timer" · 29). Check if the "Sleep Timer" is activated (page 29). [. . . ]
Lastmanuals nudi servis deljenja, čuvanja i pretrage uputstava na osnovu korišćenja hardvera i softvera: uputstvo za upotrebu, uputstvo za korisnika, brzo uputstvo, tehničke podatke... Lastmanuals ni u kom slučaju nije odgovoran ako dokument koji tražite nije raspoloživ, potpun, na drugom je jeziku od vašeg ili ako model ili jezik se ne poklapaju sa opisom. Lastmanuals ne nudi prevod.
Klikni na "Preuzmi ovo uputstvo" na kraju ovog Ugovora, ako prihvataš uslove i preuzimanje SAMSUNG PS50B530 uputstva će početi.